OpenNebula Configuration (oned)

The OpenNebula Daemon (oned) is the core service of the cloud management platform. It manages the cluster nodes, virtual networks and storages, groups, users and their virtual machines, and provides the XML-RPC API to other services and end-users. The service is distributed as an operating system package opennebula with system service opennebula.


The OpenNebula Daemon configuration file can be found in /etc/one/oned.conf on the Front-end, and can be customized with the parameters listed in the table below.


After a configuration change, the OpenNebula Daemon must be restarted to take effect.


For a quick view of any changes in configuration file options in maintenance releases, check the Resolved Issues page in the Release Notes for the release. Please note that even in the case of changes (such as a new option available), you do not need to update your configuration files unless you wish to change the application’s behavior.

  • MANAGER_TIMER: Time in seconds the core uses to evaluate periodical functions. MONITORING_INTERVAL cannot have a smaller value than MANAGER_TIMER.

  • MONITORING_INTERVAL_DATASTORE: Time in seconds between each Datastore monitoring cycle.

  • MONITORING_INTERVAL_MARKET: Time in seconds between each Marketplace monitoring cycle.

  • DS_MONITOR_VM_DISK: Number of MONITORING_INTERVAL_DATASTORE intervals to monitor VM disks. 0 to disable. Only applies to fs and fs_lvm datastores.

  • SCRIPTS_REMOTE_DIR: Remote path to store the monitoring and VM management script.

  • PORT: Port where oned will listen for XML-RPC calls.

  • LISTEN_ADDRESS: Host IP to listen for XML-RPC calls (default: all IPs).

  • HOSTNAME: Hostname to use instead of autodetect it. This hostname is used to connect to Front-end during driver operations.

  • DB: Vector of configuration attributes for the database Back-end.

    • BACKEND: Set to sqlite or mysql. Please see the MySQL configuration guide for more information.

    • SERVER (MySQL only): Host name or IP address of the MySQL server.

    • USER (MySQL only): MySQL user’s login ID.

    • PASSWD (MySQL only): MySQL user’s password.

    • DB_NAME (MySQL only): MySQL database name.

    • COMPARE_BINARY (MySQL only): compare strings using BINARY clause makes name searches case sensitive.

    • ENCODING (MySQL only): charset to use for the db connections

    • CONNECTIONS (MySQL only): maximum number of connections to the MySQL server.

    • TIMEOUT (SQLite only): timeout in ms for acquiring lock to DB, should be at least 100 ms

    • ERRORS_LIMIT: number of consecutive DB errors to stop oned node in HA. Default 25, use -1 to disable this feature.

  • VNC_PORTS: VNC port pool for automatic VNC port assignment. If possible, the port will be set to START + VMID. Refer to the VM template reference for further information:

    • START: First port to assign.

    • RESERVED: Comma-separated list of reserved ports or ranges. Two numbers separated by a colon indicate a range.

  • VM_SUBMIT_ON_HOLD: Forces VMs to be created on hold state instead of pending. Values: YES or NO.

  • API_LIST_ORDER: Sets order (by ID) of elements in list API calls (e.g. onevm list). Values: ASC (ascending order) or DESC (descending order).

  • CONTEXT_RESTRICTED_DIRS: List of space separated directories, which can’t be used in CONTEXT/FILES attribute.

  • CONTEXT_SAFE_DIRS: List of space separated directories, which allows use of subdirectories from CONTEXT_RESTRICTED_DIRS.

  • LOG: Configure the logging system

    • SYSTEM: Can be either file (default), syslog or std

    • USE_VMS_LOCATION: Defines if store VM logs in VMS_LOCATION (/var/lib/one/vms/<VMID>/vm.log).

    • DEBUG_LEVEL: Sets the verbosity of the log messages. Possible values are:











Example of this section:

# Daemon configuration attributes

LOG = [
  SYSTEM      = "file",





PORT = 2633


DB = [ BACKEND = "sqlite" ]

# Sample configuration for MySQL
# DB = [ BACKEND = "mysql",
#        SERVER  = "localhost",
#        PORT    = 0,
#        USER    = "oneadmin",
#        PASSWD  = "oneadmin",
#        DB_NAME = "opennebula",
#        CONNECTIONS = 50 ]

    START    = 5900,
    RESERVED = "32768:65536"
    # RESERVED = "6800, 6801, 9869"


.. _oned_conf_federation:

Federation Configuration Attributes

Control the federation capabilities of oned. Operation in a federated setup requires a special DB configuration.

  • FEDERATION: Federation attributes.

    • MODE: Operation mode of this oned.

      • STANDALONE: Not federated. This is the default operational mode.

      • MASTER: This oned is the master Zone of the federation.

      • SLAVE: This oned is a slave Zone.

  • ZONE_ID: The Zone ID, as returned by the onezone command.

  • MASTER_ONED: The XML-RPC endpoint of the master oned, e.g.

# Federation configuration attributes

    ZONE_ID = 0,
    MASTER_ONED = ""

Raft Configuration Attributes

Opennebula uses the Raft algorithm. It can be tuned by the following options:

  • LIMIT_PURGE: Number of DB log records that will be deleted on each purge.

  • LOG_RETENTION: Number of DB log records kept. It determines the synchronization window across servers and extra storage space needed.

  • LOG_PURGE_TIMEOUT: How often applied records are purged according to the log retention value (in seconds).

  • ELECTION_TIMEOUT_MS: Timeout to start an election process if no heartbeat or log is received from the leader (in milliseconds).

  • BROADCAST_TIMEOUT_MS: How often heartbeats are sent to followers (in milliseconds).

  • XMLRPC_TIMEOUT_MS: Timeout for Raft-related API calls (in milliseconds). For an infinite timeout, set this value to 0.


RAFT = [
    LIMIT_PURGE          = 100000,
    LOG_RETENTION        = 500000,
    LOG_PURGE_TIMEOUT    = 600,
    XMLRPC_TIMEOUT_MS    = 450

Default Showback Cost

The following attributes define the default cost for Virtual Machines that don’t have a CPU, MEMORY or DISK costs. This is used by the oneshowback calculate method.

# Default showback cost

    CPU_COST    = 0,
    MEMORY_COST = 0,
    DISK_COST   = 0


For showback the CPU and memory cost are counted if the resource is reserved on host. That includes also poweroff and suspend state, when the VM is uploaded to the host, the resources are reserved, but VM is not running. If you wish to count resources only for runnning VMs, set parameter SHOWBACK_ONLY_RUNNING = "yes", default is no. The disk cost is always counted in poweroff and suspend state as the VM image is already uploaded to the host.

XML-RPC Server Configuration

  • MAX_CONN: Maximum number of simultaneous TCP connections the server will maintain

  • MAX_CONN_BACKLOG: Maximum number of TCP connections the operating system will accept on the server’s behalf without the server accepting them from the operating system

  • KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT: Maximum time in seconds that the server allows a connection to be open between RPCs

  • KEEPALIVE_MAX_CONN: Maximum number of RPCs that the server will execute on a single connection

  • TIMEOUT: Maximum time in seconds the server will wait for the client to do anything while processing an RPC. This timeout will also be used when a proxy calls to the master in a federation.

  • RPC_LOG: Create a separate log file for XML-RPC requests, in /var/log/one/one_xmlrpc.log.

  • MESSAGE_SIZE: Buffer size in bytes for XML-RPC responses.

  • LOG_CALL_FORMAT: Format string to log XML-RPC calls. Interpreted strings:

    • %i – request id

    • %m – method name

    • %u – user id

    • %U – user name

    • %l[number] – parameter list and number of characters (optional) to print each parameter, default is 20. Example: %l300

    • %p – user password

    • %g – group id

    • %G – group name

    • %a – auth token

    • %% – %

# XML-RPC server configuration

#MAX_CONN           = 15
#TIMEOUT            = 15
#RPC_LOG            = NO
#MESSAGE_SIZE       = 1073741824
#LOG_CALL_FORMAT    = "Req:%i UID:%u %m invoked %l"


This functionality is only available when compiled with xmlrpc-c libraries >= 1.32. Currently only the packages distributed by OpenNebula are linked with this library.

Virtual Networks

  • NETWORK_SIZE: Here you can define the default size for the virtual networks

  • MAC_PREFIX: Default MAC prefix to be used to create the auto-generated MAC addresses. (This can be overwritten by the Virtual Network template.)

  • VLAN_IDS: VLAN ID pool for the automatic VLAN_ID assignment. This pool is for 802.1Q networks (Open vSwitch and 802.1Q drivers). The driver will try first to allocate VLAN_IDS[START] + VNET_ID

    • START: First VLAN_ID to use

    • RESERVED: Comma-separated list of reserved VLAN_IDs or ranges. Two numbers separated by a colon indicate a range.

  • VXLAN_IDS: Automatic VXLAN Network ID (VNI) assignment. This is used for vxlan networks.

    • START: First VNI to use

    • Note: Reserved is not supported by this pool

Sample configuration:

# Physical Networks configuration


MAC_PREFIX   = "02:00"

    START    = "2",
    RESERVED = "0, 1, 4095"

    START = "2"


The Storage Subsystem allows users to set up images, which can be operating systems or data, to be used in Virtual Machines easily. These images can be used by several Virtual Machines simultaneously and also shared with other users.

Here you can configure the default values for the Datastores and Image templates. There is more information about the template syntax here.

  • DATASTORE_LOCATION: Path for Datastores. It is the same for all the hosts and Front-end. It defaults to /var/lib/one/datastores (or in self-contained mode defaults to $ONE_LOCATION/var/datastores). Each datastore has its own directory (called BASE_PATH) of the form: $DATASTORE_LOCATION/<datastore_id>. You can symlink this directory to any other path, if needed. BASE_PATH is generated from this attribute each time oned is started.

  • DATASTORE_CAPACITY_CHECK: Check that there is enough capacity before creating a new image. Defaults to yes.

  • DEFAULT_IMAGE_TYPE: Default value for TYPE field when it is omitted in a template. Values accepted are:

    • OS: Image file holding an operating system

    • CDROM: Image file holding a CDROM

    • DATABLOCK: Image file holding a datablock, created as an empty block

  • DEFAULT_DEVICE_PREFIX: Default value for the DEV_PREFIX field when it is omitted in a template. The missing DEV_PREFIX attribute is filled when images are created, so changing this prefix won’t affect existing images. It can be set to:


Device type






KVM virtio disk

  • DEFAULT_CDROM_DEVICE_PREFIX: Same as above but for CD-ROM devices.

  • DEFAULT_IMAGE_PERSISTENT: Control the default value for the PERSISTENT attribute on image cloning or saving (oneimage clone, onevm disk-saveas). If omitted, images will inherit the PERSISTENT attribute from the base image.

  • DEFAULT_IMAGE_PERSISTENT_NEW: Control the default value for the PERSISTENT attribute on image creation (oneimage create). By default images are not persistent if this is not set.

  • VM_SNAPSHOT_FACTOR: Snapshot size is usually much smaller than original disk size. This attribute controls how much disk size should be counted for the VM snapshot. Value should be in range [0,1]. Default value for backward compatibility is 0.

More information on the image repository can be found in the Managing Virtual Machine Images guide.

Sample configuration:

# Image Repository Configuration
#DATASTORE_LOCATION  = /var/lib/one/datastores





Monitoring Daemon

The Monitoring Daemon gather gather information from the cluster nodes. To define one, the following need to be set:

  • name: name for this monitoring daemon.

  • executable: path of the monitoring daemon as an absolute path or relative to /usr/lib/one/mads/. Default value onemonitord.

  • arguments: for the daemon executable, usually a path to configuration file -c monitord.conf.

  • threads: number of threads used for communication

For more information on configuring the information and monitoring system and hints to extend it, please check the monitoring configuration and information driver configuration guide.

Sample configuration:

IM_MAD = [
      NAME          = "monitord",
      EXECUTABLE    = "onemonitord",
      ARGUMENTS     = "-c monitord.conf",
      THREADS       = 8

Virtualization Drivers

The virtualization drivers are used to create, control and monitor VMs on the hosts. You can define more than one virtualization driver (e.g. you have different virtualizers in several hosts) but make sure they have different names. To define one, the following need to be set:

  • NAME: Name of the virtualization driver

  • SUNSTONE_NAME: Name displayed in Sunstone

  • EXECUTABLE: Path of the virtualization driver executable as an absolute path or relative to /usr/lib/one/mads/

  • ARGUMENTS: For the driver executable

  • TYPE: Driver type; supported drivers: xen, kvm or xml

  • DEFAULT: File containing default values and configuration parameters for the driver as an absolute path or relative to /etc/one/

  • KEEP_SNAPSHOTS: Do not remove snapshots on power on/off cycles and live migrations if the hypervisor supports that

  • LIVE_RESIZE: Hypervisor supports hotplug VCPU and memory. Values: YES or NO

  • SUPPORT_SHAREABLE: Hypervisor supports shareable disks. Values: YES or NO

  • IMPORTED_VMS_ACTIONS: Comma-separated list of actions supported for imported VMs. The available actions are:

    • migrate

    • live-migrate

    • terminate

    • terminate-hard

    • undeploy

    • undeploy-hard

    • hold

    • release

    • stop

    • suspend

    • resume

    • delete

    • delete-recreate

    • reboot

    • reboot-hard

    • resched

    • unresched

    • poweroff

    • poweroff-hard

    • disk-attach

    • disk-detach

    • nic-attach

    • nic-detach

    • disk-snapshot-create

    • disk-snapshot-delete

    • disk-snapshot-rename

    • disk-snapshot-revert

    • disk-resize

    • disk-saveas

    • resize

    • update

    • updateconf

    • snapshot-create

    • snapshot-delete

    • snapshot-revert

    • recover

    • retry

There are some non-mandatory attributes:

  • DS_LIVE_MIGRATION: live migration between datastores is allowed.

  • COLD_NIC_ATTACH: NIC attach/detach in poweroff state calls networks scripts (pre, post, clean) and virtualization driver attach/detach actions.

For more information on configuring and setting up the Virtual Machine Manager Driver please check the section relevant to you:

Sample configuration:

# Virtualization Driver Configuration

VM_MAD = [
    NAME           = "kvm",
    EXECUTABLE     = "one_vmm_exec",
    ARGUMENTS      = "-t 15 -r 0 kvm",
    DEFAULT        = "vmm_exec/vmm_exec_kvm.conf",
    TYPE           = "kvm",
    KEEP_SNAPSHOTS = "no",
    LIVE_RESIZE    = "yes",
    SUPPORT_SHAREABLE    = "yes",
    IMPORTED_VMS_ACTIONS = "terminate, terminate-hard, hold, release, suspend,
        resume, delete, reboot, reboot-hard, resched, unresched, disk-attach,
        disk-detach, nic-attach, nic-detach, snap-create, snap-delete"

Transfer Driver

The transfer drivers are used to transfer, clone, remove and create VM images. The default TM_MAD driver includes plugins for all supported storage modes. You may need to modify the TM_MAD to add custom plugins.

  • EXECUTABLE: path of the transfer driver executable, as an absolute path or relative to /usr/lib/one/mads/

  • ARGUMENTS: for the driver executable:

    • -t: number of threads, i.e. number of transfers made at the same time

    • -d: list of transfer drivers separated by commas. If not defined all the drivers available will be enabled

For more information on configuring different storage alternatives please check the storage configuration guide.

Sample configuration:

# Transfer Manager Driver Configuration

TM_MAD = [
    EXECUTABLE = "one_tm",
    ARGUMENTS = "-t 15 -d dummy,lvm,shared,fs_lvm,qcow2,ssh,ceph,dev,vcenter,iscsi_libvirt"

The configuration for each driver is defined in the TM_MAD_CONF section.


These values define the datastore behaviour and thus should not be modified. They are used when creating a new datastore of given type and also when developing new drivers.

  • NAME: name of the transfer driver, listed in the -d option of the TM_MAD section

  • LN_TARGET: determines how persistent images will be cloned when a new VM is instantiated:

    • NONE: The image will be linked and no more storage capacity will be used

    • SELF: The image will be cloned in the Images datastore

    • SYSTEM: The image will be cloned in the System datastore

  • CLONE_TARGET: determines how non-persistent images will be cloned when a new VM is instantiated:

    • NONE: The image will be linked and no more storage capacity will be used

    • SELF: The image will be cloned in the Images datastore

    • SYSTEM: The image will be cloned in the System datastore

  • SHARED: determines if the storage holding the system datastore is shared among the different hosts or not. Valid values: yes or no.

  • DS_MIGRATE: set to YES if system datastore migrations are allowed for this TM. Only useful for system datastore TMs.

  • ALLOW_ORPHANS: Whether snapshots can live without parents:

    • YES: The snapshot will be attempted to be deleted even if it has children

    • NO: The snapshot will not be attempted to be deleted if it has children

    • MIXED: Creates children snapshots from the current active(last recovered) snapshot. This also takes into account some dependencies which can appear after a revert snapshot action in Ceph datastores.

    • FORMAT: Allows orphans based on the image format in a SHARED datastore. For QCOW2 this acts as NO and for RAW this acts as YES

Sample configuration:

    NAME          = "lvm",
    LN_TARGET     = "NONE",
    SHARED        = "yes",
    ALLOW_ORPHANS = "no"

    NAME        = "shared",
    LN_TARGET   = "NONE",
    SHARED      = "yes",
    DS_MIGRATE  = "yes"

Datastore Driver

The Datastore Driver defines a set of scripts to manage the storage Back-end.

  • EXECUTABLE: path of the transfer driver executable as an absolute path or relative to /usr/lib/one/mads/

  • ARGUMENTS: for the driver executable

    • -t number of threads, i.e. number of simultaneous repo operations

    • -d datastore MADs, separated by commas

    • -s system datastore TM drivers, used to monitor shared system DS

Sample configuration:

    EXECUTABLE = "one_datastore",
    ARGUMENTS  = "-t 15 -d dummy,fs,lvm,ceph,dev,iscsi_libvirt,vcenter -s shared,ssh,ceph,fs_lvm"

For more information on this driver and how to customize it, please visit the storage configuration guide.

Marketplace Driver Configuration

Drivers to manage different marketplaces, specialized for the storage Back-end

  • EXECUTABLE: path of the transfer driver executable as an absolute path or relative to /usr/lib/one/mads/

  • ARGUMENTS: for the driver executable:

    • -t number of threads, i.e. number of simultaneous repo operations

    • -m marketplace mads separated by commas

    • --proxy proxy URI, if required to access the internet. For example --proxy

    • -w timeout in seconds to execute external commands (default unlimited)

Sample configuration:

    EXECUTABLE = "one_market",
    ARGUMENTS  = "-t 15 -m http,s3,one"

Hook System

Hooks in OpenNebula are programs (usually scripts) whose execution is triggered by a change in state in Virtual Machines or Hosts. The hooks can be executed either locally or remotely to the node where the VM or Host is running. To configure the Hook System the following needs to be set in the OpenNebula configuration file:

  • EXECUTABLE: path of the hook driver executable as an absolute path or relative to /usr/lib/one/mads/

  • ARGUMENTS: for the driver executable as an absolute path or relative to /etc/one/

Sample configuration:

HM_MAD = [
    executable = "one_hm" ]

Virtual Machine Hooks (VM_HOOK) defined by:

  • NAME: for the hook; useful to track the hook (OPTIONAL).

  • ON: when the hook should be executed:

    • CREATE: when the VM is created (onevm create)

    • PROLOG: when the VM is in the prolog state

    • RUNNING: after the VM is successfully booted

    • UNKNOWN: when the VM is in the unknown state

    • SHUTDOWN: after the VM is shutdown

    • STOP: after the VM is stopped (including VM image transfers)

    • DONE: after the VM is deleted or shutdown

    • CUSTOM: user defined specific STATE and LCM_STATE combination of states to trigger the hook

  • COMMAND: as an absolute path or relative to /usr/share/one/hooks

  • ARGUMENTS: for the hook. You can substitute VM information with:

    • $ID: the ID of the virtual machine

    • $TEMPLATE: the VM template as base64-encoded XML

    • PREV_STATE: the previous STATE of the Virtual Machine

    • PREV_LCM_STATE: the previous LCM_STATE of the Virtual Machine

  • REMOTE: values:

    • YES: The hook is executed in the host where the VM was allocated

    • NO: The hook is executed in the OpenNebula server (default)

Host Hooks (HOST_HOOK) defined by:

  • NAME: for the hook, useful to track the hook (OPTIONAL)

  • ON: when the hook should be executed,

    • CREATE: when the Host is created (onehost create)

    • ERROR: when the Host enters the error state

    • DISABLE: when the Host is disabled

  • COMMAND: as an absolute path or relative to /usr/share/one/hooks

  • ARGUMENTS: for the hook. You can use the following Host information:

    • $ID: the ID of the host

    • $TEMPLATE: the Host template as base64-encoded XML

  • REMOTE: values,

    • YES: The hook is executed in the host

    • NO: The hook is executed in the OpenNebula server (default)

Sample configuration:

  name      = "advanced_hook",
  on        = "CUSTOM",
  state     = "ACTIVE",
  lcm_state = "BOOT_UNKNOWN",
  command   = "log.rb",
  arguments = "$ID $PREV_STATE $PREV_LCM_STATE" ]

Auth Manager Configuration

  • AUTH_MAD: The driver that will be used to authenticate and authorize OpenNebula requests. If not defined, OpenNebula will use the built-in authorization policies.

    • EXECUTABLE: path of the auth driver executable as an absolute path or relative to /usr/lib/one/mads/

    • AUTHN: list of authentication modules, separated by commas. If not defined, all the modules available will be enabled

    • AUTHZ: list of authorization modules, separated by commas

  • SESSION_EXPIRATION_TIME: Time in seconds for which an authenticated token is valid. During this time the driver is not used. Use 0 to disable session caching.

  • ENABLE_OTHER_PERMISSIONS: Whether or not to enable the permissions for ‘other’. Users in the oneadmin group will still be able to change these permissions. Values: YES or NO.

  • DEFAULT_UMASK: Similar to Unix umask. Sets the default resource permissions. Its format must be 3 octal digits. For example a umask of 137 will set the new object’s permissions to 640 um- u-- ---.

Sample configuration:

    executable = "one_auth_mad",
    authn = "ssh,x509,ldap,server_cipher,server_x509"




The DEFAULT_AUTH can be used to point to the desired default authentication driver, for example ldap:


VM Operations Permissions

The following parameters define the operations associated with the ADMIN, MANAGE and USE permissions. Note that some VM operations may require additional permissions on other objects. Also some operations refer to a class of actions:

  • disk-snapshot: includes create, delete and revert actions

  • disk-attach: includes attach and detach actions

  • nic-attach: includes attach, detach and nic-update actions

  • snapshot: includes create, delete and revert actions

  • resched: includes resched and unresched actions

  • migrate: includes migrate, live-migrate and poweroff migrate actions

  • sg-attach: includes attach and detach actions

  • sched-action: includes add, delete and update actions

The list and show operations require USE permission; this is not configurable.

In the following example you need ADMIN rights on a VM to perform migrate, delete, recover … while undeploy, hold, … need MANAGE rights:

VM_ADMIN_OPERATIONS  = "migrate, delete, recover, retry, deploy, resched, backup"

VM_MANAGE_OPERATIONS = "undeploy, hold, release, stop, suspend, resume, reboot,
    poweroff, disk-attach, nic-attach, disk-snapshot, terminate, disk-resize,
    snapshot, updateconf, rename, resize, update, disk-saveas, sched-action, sg-attach"


Generic Quota Configuration

Generic quota attributes used for Compute Quotas. You can impose quota limits to any numerical attribute from the Virtual Machine Template or User Template. Sample configuration:


Note that any generic quota attribute will be added to the VM_RESTRICTED_ATTR set (see below).

Restricted Attributes Configuration

Users outside the oneadmin group won’t be able to instantiate templates created by users outside the oneadmin group that include attributes restricted by:

  • VM_RESTRICTED_ATTR: Virtual Machine attribute to be restricted for users outside the oneadmin group

  • IMAGE_RESTRICTED_ATTR: Image attribute to be restricted for users outside the oneadmin group

  • VNET_RESTRICTED_ATTR: Virtual Network attribute to be restricted for users outside the oneadmin group when updating a reservation. These attributes are not considered for regular VNET creation.

If the VM template has been created by admins in the oneadmin group, then users outside the oneadmin group can instantiate these templates.

Sample configuration:






OpenNebula evaluates these attributes:

  • on VM template create (onetemplate create)

  • on VM template instantiate (onetemplate instantiate)

  • on VM template update (onetemplate update)

  • on VM create (onevm create)

  • on VM update (onevm update)

  • on VM update configuration (onevm updateconf)

  • on VM resize (onevm resize)

  • on VM attach disk (onevm disk-attach)

  • on VM attach NIC (onevm nic-attach), for example, to prevent using NIC/MAC

Encrypted Attributes Configuration

These attributes are encrypted and decrypted by the OpenNebula core. The supported attributes are:





  • VM_ENCRYPTED_ATTR: these attributes apply also to the user template.

  • VNET_ENCRYPTED_ATTR: these attributes apply also to address ranges which belong to the virtual network.



Sample configuration:




OpenNebula encrypts these attributes:

  • on object create (onecluster/onedatastore/onehost/onevm/onevnet create)

  • on object update (onecluster/onedatastore/onehost/onevm/onevnet update)

To decrypt the attribute, you need to use the info API method with true as a parameter. You can decrypt the attributes using the --decrypt option for onevm show, onehost show and onevnet show.

Inherited Attributes Configuration

The following attributes will be copied from the resource template to the instantiated VMs. More than one attribute can be defined.

  • INHERIT_IMAGE_ATTR: Attribute to be copied from the Image template to each VM/DISK.

  • INHERIT_DATASTORE_ATTR: Attribute to be copied from the Datastore template to each VM/DISK.

  • INHERIT_VNET_ATTR: Attribute to be copied from the Network template to each VM/NIC.

Sample configuration:









OneGate Configuration

  • ONEGATE_ENDPOINT: Endpoint where OneGate will be listening. Optional.

Sample configuration:


Default Permissions for VDC ACL rules

Default ACL rules created when a resource is added to a VDC. The following attributes configure the permissions granted to the VDC group for each resource type:

  • DEFAULT_VDC_HOST_ACL: permissions granted on hosts added to a VDC.

  • DEFAULT_VDC_NET_ACL: permissions granted on vnets added to a VDC.

  • DEFAULT_VDC_DATASTORE_ACL: permissions granted on datastores to a VDC.

  • DEFAULT_VDC_CLUSTER_HOST_ACL: permissions granted to cluster hosts when a cluster is added to the VDC.

  • DEFAULT_VDC_CLUSTER_NET_ACL: permissions granted to cluster vnets when a cluster is added to the VDC.

  • DEFAULT_VDC_CLUSTER_DATASTORE_ACL: permissions granted to a datastores added to a cluster.

When defining the permissions you can use "" or "-" to avoid adding any rule to that specific resource. Also, you can combine several permissions with "+", for example "MANAGE+USE". Valid permissions are USE, MANAGE, or ADMIN.


#Adds @<gid> HOST/#<hid> MANAGE #<zid> when a host is added to the VDC.
onevdc addhost <vdc> <zid> <hid>

#Adds @<gid> NET/#<vnetid> USE #<zid> when a vnet is added to the VDC.
onevdc addvnet <vdc> <zid> <vnetid>

#Adds @<gid> DATASTORE/#<dsid> USE #<zid> when a vnet is added to the VDC.
onevdc adddatastore <vdc> <zid> <dsid>

#@<gid> HOST/%<cid> MANAGE #<zid>
#@<gid> DATASTORE+NET/%<cid> USE #<zid>
#when a cluster is added to the VDC.
onevdc addcluster <vdc> <zid> <cid>

Service Control and Logs

Change the server running state by managing the operating system service opennebula.

To start, restart, stop the server, execute one of:

systemctl start   opennebula
systemctl restart opennebula
systemctl stop    opennebula

To enable or disable automatic start on host boot, execute one of:

systemctl enable  opennebula
systemctl disable opennebula

Server logs are located in /var/log/one in following files:

  • /var/log/one/oned.log

  • /var/log/one/one_xmlrpc.log (optional, if RPC_LOG enabled)

Logs of individual VMs can be found in

  • /var/log/one/$ID.log where $ID identifies the VM

Other logs are also available in Journald, use the following command to show:

journalctl -u opennebula.service


See Troubleshooting guide to learn about the logging of individual OpenNebula Daemon subsystems and drivers.