Database Setup

OpenNebula Front-end uses the database to persist the complete state of the cloud. It supports several database solutions and each is recommended for different usage. It’s necessary to decide carefully which solution is the best for your needs, as the migration of an existing installation to a different database type is complex or impossible (depending on the Back-end). The following options are available:

It’s recommended to install the database Back-end now. Later, when doing the Front-end Installation, return back here and only update the OpenNebula configuration for specific Back-end based tasks (ideally) prior to starting OpenNebula for the first time.

SQLite Setup


The information about SQLite is only for information, default installation is preconfigured for SQLite and no actions are required!

The SQLite Back-end is the default database Back-end. It’s not recommended for production use, as it doesn’t perform well under load and on bigger infrastructures. For most cases, it’s recommended to use MySQL/MariaDB.


No installation is required.

Configure OpenNebula

No changes are needed. The default OpenNebula configuration already uses SQLite. The following is the relevant part in the /etc/one/oned.conf configuration file:

DB = [ BACKEND = "sqlite",
       TIMEOUT = 2500 ]

MySQL/MariaDB Setup

The MySQL/MariaDB Back-end is an alternative to the default SQLite Back-end. It’s recommended for heavy or production workloads and is fully featured for the best performance. In this guide and in the rest of the documentation and configuration files we refer to this database as MySQL. However, OpenNebula can use either MySQL or MariaDB.


First of all, you need a working MySQL or MariaDB server. You can either deploy one for the OpenNebula installation following the guides for your operating system or reuse an existing one accessible via the Front-end. We assume you have a working MySQL/MariaDB server installed.


MySQL should be recent enough to support the FULLTEXT indexing used by OpenNebula to implement the VM search feature. For MariaDB, that means at least a late minor version of release 10.0 if you use the default InnoDB.


You need to add a new database user and grant the user privileges on the opennebula database. This database doesn’t need to exist already, as OpenNebula will create it the first time it runs. Assuming you are going to use the default values, log in to your MySQL server and issue the following commands while replacing <thepassword> with your own secure password:

mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. [...]

mysql> CREATE USER 'oneadmin' IDENTIFIED BY '<thepassword>';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON opennebula.* TO 'oneadmin';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Visit the MySQL documentation to learn how to manage accounts.

Now, configure the transaction isolation level:


Configure OpenNebula

Before you run OpenNebula for the first time in the next section Front-end Installation, you’ll need to set the database Back-end and connection details in the configuration file /etc/one/oned.conf as follows:

# Sample configuration for MySQL
DB = [ BACKEND = "mysql",
       SERVER  = "localhost",
       PORT    = 0,
       USER    = "oneadmin",
       PASSWD  = "<thepassword>",
       DB_NAME = "opennebula",
       CONNECTIONS = 25,
       COMPARE_BINARY = "no" ]


  • SERVER - IP/hostname of the machine running the MySQL server,

  • PORT - port for the connection to the server (default port is used when 0),

  • USER - MySQL user-name,

  • PASSWD - MySQL password,

  • DB_NAME - name of the MySQL database OpenNebula will use,

  • CONNECTIONS - max. number of connections,

  • COMPARE_BINARY - compare strings using BINARY clause to make name searches case sensitive.