OpenNebula 6.10 DocumentationΒΆ

OpenNebula is an open-source cloud management platform that combines virtualization with multi-tenancy, automatic provision and elasticity to offer on-demand applications and services on enterprise, hybrid and edge environments.

The first two sections of the OpenNebula documentation are designed to help you quickly try out and evaluate OpenNebula, and to provide you with an overview of the OpenNebula cloud model, architecture and components.

Quick Overview - Learn About OpenNebula

Quick Start - Try out in Minutes

The Overview section covers OpenNebula architecture and components, and describes the steps for designing, installing and deploying an OpenNebula Cloud.

The Quick Start Guide allows you to try OpenNebula following simple tutorials to progressively build infrastructure using a powerful web UI.

Quick Install - Automatic Deployment

Quick Migration - Smooth VM Migration from VMware

Perform Automated DevOps-like deployment using OneDeploy.

Quickly migrate your VMs using OneSwap, a migration tool designed to automatically migrate VMs from vCenter to OpenNebula.

Other sections in the documentation provide detailed explanations, guides and references for OpenNebula components, tools, interfaces and procedures.




Learn about the OpenNebula model, popular use cases and how to design a cloud

Quick Start

Build an OpenNebula test installation with local and remote resources

Management and Operations

How to operate and manage your cloud, including deployment of remote clusters

Front-end Installation

How to install and configure the main OpenNebula services

Open Cluster Deployment

How to install and set up customized clusters based on open source components

Automatic Cluster Deployment

How to automatically deploy clusters on-premises and on-cloud

Integration and Development

APIs and drivers to integrate OpenNebula with applications and platforms

Release Notes

New features, improvements and fixes, and the upgrade process in each version

Legacy Components

No longer maintained, legacy & deprecated component documentation

The full contents of the documentation are listed below.


 Quick Start

 Management and Operations

 Installation and Configuration

 Marketplaces and Appliances

 Open Cluster Deployment

 Automatic Cluster Deployment

 Integration and Development

 Release Notes

 Legacy Components


  • EE: Component only available in the Enterprise Edition

  • TP: Component distributed as Technology Preview and not recommended for production environments