OneGate Configuration

The OneGate server allows Virtual Machines to pull and push information from/to OpenNebula. It can be used with all hypervisor Host types (KVM, LXC, and the legacy vCenter driver) if the guest operating system has preinstalled the OpenNebula contextualization package. It’s a dedicated daemon installed by default as part of the Single Front-end Installation, but can be deployed independently on a different machine. The server is distributed as an operating system package opennebula-gate with the system service opennebula-gate.

Read more in OneGate Usage.


The OneGate configuration file can be found in /etc/one/onegate-server.conf on your Front-end. It uses YAML syntax with following parameters:


After a configuration change, the OneGate server must be restarted to take effect.



Server Configuration


Endpoint of OpenNebula XML-RPC API


Host/IP where OneGate will listen


Port where OneGate will listen


SSL proxy URL that serves the API (set if is being used)



Authentication driver for incoming requests.

  • onegate based on tokens provided in VM context


Authentication driver to communicate with OpenNebula core

  • cipher for symmetric cipher encryption of tokens

  • x509 for X.509 certificate encryption of tokens

For more information, visit the Cloud Server Authentication reference.

OneFlow Endpoint


Endpoint where the OneFlow server is listening



By default OneGate exposes all the available API calls. Each of the actions can be enabled/disabled in the server configuration.


Attributes that cannot be modified when updating a VM template


Actions that cannot be performed on a VM


Attributes of the Virtual Network template that will be retrieved for Virtual Networks



Logging level. Values: 0 for ERROR level, 1 for WARNING level, 2 for INFO level, 3 for DEBUG level


Default interval for timestamps. Tokens will be generated using the same timestamp for this interval of time. THIS VALUE CANNOT BE LOWER THAN EXPIRE_MARGIN.


Tokens will be generated if time > EXPIRE_TIME - EXPIRE_MARGIN

In the default configuration, the OneGate server will only listen to requests coming from localhost. Because the OneGate needs to be accessible remotely from the Virtual Machines, you need to change :host parameter in /etc/one/onegate-server.conf to a public IP of your Front-end host or to (to work on all IP addresses configured on host).

Configure OpenNebula

Before Virtual Machines can communicate with OneGate, you need to edit /etc/one/oned.conf and set the OneGate endpoint in parameter ONEGATE_ENDPOINT. This endpoint (IP/hostname) must be reachable from the Virtual Machines over the network!


Restart the OpenNebula service to apply changes.

Service Control and Logs

Change the server running state by managing the operating system service opennebula-gate.

To start, restart or stop the server, execute one of:

systemctl start   opennebula-gate
systemctl restart opennebula-gate
systemctl stop    opennebula-gate

To enable or disable automatic start on Host boot, execute one of:

systemctl enable  opennebula-gate
systemctl disable opennebula-gate

Server logs are located in /var/log/one in following files:

  • /var/log/one/onegate.log

  • /var/log/one/onegate.error

Other logs are also available in Journald. Use the following command to show:

journalctl -u opennebula-gate.service