
Edge Clusters provide you with the tools needed to dynamically grow your cloud infrastructure with physical or virtual resources running on remote cloud providers. Edge Clusters support two main use cases:

  • Edge Cloud Computing, to transition from centralized clouds to distributed edge-like cloud environments. You will be able to grow your on-premises cloud with resources at edge data center locations to meet the latency, bandwidth or data regulation needs of your workload.

  • Hybrid Cloud Computing, to address peaks of demand and need for extra computing power by dynamically growing your underlying physical infrastructure.

Edge Clusters are based on open source storage and networking technologies. It features a selection of light-weight components specially suited for edge locations.

How Should I Read This Chapter

In this chapter you can find a guide on how to automatically provision Edge Clusters instances on different providers:

Hypervisor Compatibility

Edge Clusters are compatible with the KVM and LXC hypervisors.