Command Line Interface

OpenNebula provides a set commands to interact with the system:


  • oneacct: gets accounting data from OpenNebula.

  • oneacl: manages OpenNebula ACLs.

  • onecfg: manages OpenNebula configuration files upgrade.

  • onecluster: manages OpenNebula clusters.

  • onedatastore: manages OpenNebula datastores.

  • onedb: OpenNebula database migration tool.

  • onegroup: manages OpenNebula groups.

  • onehook: manages OpenNebula hooks.

  • onehost: manages OpenNebula hosts.

  • oneimage: manages OpenNebula images.

  • onemarket: manages internal and external marketplaces.

  • onemarketapp: manages appliances from marketplaces.

  • oneprovider: manages OpenNebula providers.

  • oneprovision: manages OpenNebula provisions.

  • onesecgroup: manages OpenNebula security groups.

  • oneshowback: OpenNebula Showback tool.

  • onetemplate: manages OpenNebula templates.

  • oneuser: manages OpenNebula users.

  • onevcenter: handles vCenter resource import.

  • onevdc: manages OpenNebula Virtual DataCenters.

  • onevm: manages OpenNebula virtual machines.

  • onevmgroup: manages OpenNebula VMGroups.

  • onevnet: manages OpenNebula networks.

  • onevntemplate: manages OpenNebula networks templates.

  • onevrouter: manages OpenNebula Virtual Routers.

  • onezone: manages OpenNebula zones.

  • oneirb: opens an irb session.

  • onelog: access to OpenNebula services log files.

The output of these commands can be customized by modifying the configuration files that can be found in /etc/one/cli/. They also can be customized on a per-user basis, in this case the configuration files should be placed in $HOME/.one/cli.

List operation for each command will open a less session for a better user experience. First elements will be printed right away while the rest will begin to be requested and added to a cache, providing faster response times, specially on big deployments. Less session will automatically be canceled if a pipe is used for better interaction with scripts, providing the traditional, non interactive output.

OneFlow Commands

OneGate Commands

  • onegate: OneGate Service management.

Shell Environment

OpenNebula users should have the following environment variables set, you may want to place them in the .bashrc of the user’s Unix account for convenience:

  • ONE_XMLRPC: URL where the OpenNebula daemon is listening. If it is not set, CLI tools will use the default: http://localhost:2633/RPC2. See the PORT attribute in the Daemon configuration file for more information.

  • ONE_XMLRPC_TIMEOUT: number of seconds to wait before a xmlrpc request timeouts.

  • ONE_ZMQ: URL to subscribe to receive ZMQ messages. If it is not set, CLI tools will use the default: tcp://localhost:2101.

  • ONE_AUTH: needs to point to a file containing a valid authentication key, it can be:

    • A password file with just a single line stating username:password.

    • A token file with just a single line with username:token, where token is a valid token created with the oneuser login command or API call.

If ONE_AUTH is not defined, $HOME/.one/one_auth will be used instead. If no auth file is present, OpenNebula cannot work properly, as this is needed by the core, the CLI, and the cloud components as well.

  • ONE_POOL_PAGE_SIZE: by default the OpenNebula Cloud API (CLI and Sunstone make use of it) paginates some pool responses. By default this size is 300 but it can be changed with this variable. A numeric value greater that 2 is the pool size. To disable it you can use a non numeric value.

export ONE_POOL_PAGE_SIZE=5000        # Sets the page size to 5000
export ONE_POOL_PAGE_SIZE=disabled    # Disables pool pagination
  • ONE_PAGER: list commands will send their output through a pager process when in an interactive shell. By default, the pager process is set to less but it can be change to any other program. The pagination can be disabled using the argument --no-pager. It sets the ONE_PAGER variable to cat.

  • ONE_LISTCONF: allows the user to use an alternate layout to displays lists.

onevm list
    ID USER     GROUP    NAME            STAT UCPU    UMEM HOST             TIME
    20 oneadmin oneadmin tty-20          fail    0      0K localhost    0d 00h32
    21 oneadmin oneadmin tty-21          fail    0      0K localhost    0d 00h23
    22 oneadmin oneadmin tty-22          runn  0.0  104.7M localhost    0d 00h22
export ONE_LISTCONF=user
onevm list
    ID NAME            IP              STAT UCPU    UMEM HOST             TIME
    20 tty-20       fail    0      0K localhost    0d 00h32
    21 tty-21       fail    0      0K localhost    0d 00h23
    22 tty-22       runn  0.0  104.7M localhost    0d 00h23
  • ONE_CERT_DIR and ONE_DISABLE_SSL_VERIFY: if OpenNebula XML-RPC endpoint is behind an SSL proxy you can specify an extra trusted certificates directory using ONE_CERT_DIR. Make sure that the certificate is named <hash>.0. You can get the hash of a certificate with this command:

openssl x509 -in <certificate.pem> -hash

Alternatively you can set the environment variable ONE_DISABLE_SSL_VERIFY to any value to disable certificate validation. You should only use this parameter for testing as it makes the connection insecure.

For instance, a user named regularuser may have the following environment:

tail ~/.bashrc


cat ~/.one/one_auth


Please note that the example above is intended for a user interacting with OpenNebula from the front-end, but you can use it from any other computer. Just set the appropriate hostname and port in the ONE_XMLRPC variable.


If you do not want passwords to be stored in plain files, protected with basic filesystem permissions, please refer to the token-based authentication mechanism described below.

An alternative method to specify credentials and OpenNebula endpoint is using command line parameters. Most of the commands can understand the following parameters:

--user name

User name used to connect to OpenNebula

--password password

Password to authenticate with OpenNebula

--endpoint endpoint

URL of OpenNebula XML-RPC Front-end

If user is specified but not password the user will be prompted for the password. endpoint has the same meaning and get the same value as ONE_XMLRPC. For example:

onevm list --user my_user --endpoint


You should better not use --password parameter in a shared machine. Process parameters can be seen by any user with the command ps so it is highly insecure.

  • ONE_SUNSTONE: URL of the Sunstone portal, used for downloading Marketplace Apps streamed through Sunstone. If this is not specified, it will be inferred from ONE_XMLRPC (by changing the port to 9869), and if that ENV variable is undefined as well, it will default to http://localhost:9869.

  • ONEFLOW_URL, ONEFLOW_USER and ONEFLOW_PASSWORD: these variables are used by the OneFlow command line tools. If not set, the default OneFlow URL will be http://localhost:2474. The user and password will be taken from the ONE_AUTH file if the environment variables are not found.

CLI views

You can customize how certain commands are displayed by default. Each command has a yaml file associated to it, located at /etc/one/cli/

root@supermicro9:~# tree /etc/one/cli/
├── oneacct.yaml
├── oneacl.yaml
├── onecluster.yaml
├── onedatastore.yaml
├── oneflowtemplate.yaml
├── oneflow.yaml
├── onegroup.yaml
├── onehook.yaml
├── onehost.yaml
├── oneimage.yaml
├── onemarketapp.yaml
├── onemarket.yaml
├── oneprovider.yaml
├── oneprovision.yaml
├── onesecgroup.yaml
├── oneshowback.yaml
├── onetemplate.yaml
├── oneuser.yaml
├── onevdc.yaml
├── onevmgroup.yaml
├── onevm.yaml
├── onevnet.yaml
├── onevntemplate.yaml
├── onevrouter.yaml
└── onezone.yaml

For example, in the case of onevm list, by default it looks like this

root@supermicro9:~# onevm list
  ID USER     GROUP    NAME                                                                        STAT  CPU     MEM HOST                                                     TIME
9234 oneadmin oneadmin                             unde  0.5      8G                                                      0d 05h57
9233 nhansen  users    alma8-kvm-ssh-6-6-pkofu-2.test                                              runn  0.5    1.3G localhost                                            0d 07h04
9232 nhansen  users    alma8-kvm-ssh-6-6-pkofu-1.test                                              runn  0.5    1.3G localhost                                            0d 07h04
9231 nhansen  users    alma8-kvm-ssh-6-6-pkofu-0.test                                              runn  0.5    1.8G localhost                                            0d 07h04

But you can change the default columns, increase the column width and disable expansion to make it look like this

 ~  onevm list
  ID NAME                             STAT IP
9188 minione-9188                     runn
9184 ubuntu2204-func-6-7-1lbob-0.test unde,
9183 ubuntu2204-func-6-7-xjz0p-0.test unde,
9182 ubuntu2204-func-6-7-q1okq-0.test unde,
8705 bots                             poff
6460 tmux                             poff
5947 market-builder-5947              poff

Shell Environment for Self-Contained Installations

If OpenNebula was installed from sources in self-contained mode (this is not the default, and not recommended), these two variables must be also set. These are not needed if you installed from packages, or performed a system-wide installation from sources.

  • ONE_LOCATION: it must point to the installation <destination_folder>.

  • PATH: the OpenNebula bin files must be added to the path: