
A Host is a server that has the ability to run Virtual Machines and that is connected to OpenNebula’s Front-end server. To learn how to prepare the Hosts, you can read the Open Cluster Deployment guide. Hosts are usually grouped in Clusters.

How Should I Read This Chapter

In this chapter there are four guides describing these objects.

  • Host Management: Host management is achieved through the onehost CLI command or through the Sunstone GUI. You can read about Host Management in more detail in the Managing Hosts guide.

  • Cluster Management: Hosts can be grouped in clusters. These clusters are managed with the onecluster CLI command or through the Sunstone GUI. You can read about Cluster Management in more detail in the Managing Clusters guide.

You should read all the guides in this chapter to familiarize yourself with these objects. For small and homogeneous clouds you may not need to create new clusters.

Hypervisor Compatibility

These guides are compatible with all hypervisors.