Known Issues

A complete list of known issues for OpenNebula is maintained here.

This page will be updated with relevant information about bugs affecting OpenNebula, as well as possible workarounds until a patch is officially published.

Drivers - Virtualization

Drivers - Network

  • Edge Cluster Public IP: NIC_ALIAS on the public network can only be associated to a NIC on the same network.

Drivers - Storage

  • LXC, XFS formatted disk images are incompatible with the fs_lvm driver. The image fails to be mounted on the host.


  • Guacamole RDP as is currently shipped in OpenNebula does not support NLA authentication. You can follow these instructions in order to disable NLA in the Windows box to use Guacamole RDP within Sunstone.

  • ‘Groupadmin’ view fails to load for groups with multiple admin users.

  • The current configuration for both Sunstone and One-Provision contain a mismatch in the keep_me_logged configuration option. This issue has been fixed but the new configuration files need to be downloaded in order for this fix to take effect, refer to the following section for instructions on how to do this.

  • The Update VM Configuration dialog contains a bug which will result in a blank screen if one tries to update the configuration of a virtual machine with less than 2 total disks attached. The quickest workaround for this is to attach another minimal disk to the VM.

  • When deleting an element in the datatable. such as running the terminate in a VM, we recommend refreshing the window. as there is an error in the client code discussed in the following issue.

Install Linux Graphical Desktop on KVM Virtual Machines

OpenNebula uses the cirrus graphical adapter for KVM Virtual Machines by default. It could happen that after installing a graphical desktop on a Linux VM, the Xorg window system does not load the appropriate video driver. You can force a VESA mode by configuring the kernel parameter vga=VESA_MODE in the GNU GRUB configuration file. Here you can find the VESA mode numbers. For example, adding vga=791 as kernel parameter will select the 16-bit 1024×768 resolution mode.

vCenter Snapshot Behavior

VMs in vCenter 7.0 exhibit a new behavior regarding snapshots and disks attach/detach operations. When vCenter 7.0 detects any change in the number of disks attached to a VM, it automatically cleans all the VM snapshots. OpenNebula doesn’t take this into account yet, so the snapshots stated by OpenNebula, after a disk attach or disk detach, point to a null vCenter reference, and cannot be used. Please bear in mind that the vCenter driver is a legacy component, and is included in the distribution but no longer receives updates or fixes.

Warning when Exporting an App from the Marketplace Using CLI

When exporting an application from the marketplace using the CLI the following warning can be seen:

/usr/lib/one/ruby/opennebula/xml_element.rb:124: warning: Passing a Node as the second parameter to is deprecated. Please pass a Document instead, or prefer an alternative constructor like Node#add_child. This will become an error in a future release of Nokogiri.

This is harmless and can be discarded, it will be addressed in future releases.


  • GROW_ROOTFS and GROW_FS will not extend btrfs filesystems

  • onesysprep does not support Debian 12 yet


  • OpenNebula stores the whole VM Template in a backup. When restoring it some attributes are wiped out as they are dynamic or they need to be re-generated (e.g. IP). However some attributes (e.g. DEV_PREFIX) would be better to keep them. It is recommended to review and adjust the resulting template for any missing (and required) attribute. The list of attributes removed can be checked here.

Market proxy settings

  • The option --proxy in the MARKET_MAD may not be working correctly. To solve it, execute systemctl edit opennebula and add the following entries:


Where proxy_server is the proxy server to be used and no_proxy is a list of the domains or IP ranges that must not be accessed via proxy by opennebula. After that, reload systemd service configuration with systemctl daemon-reload and restart opennebula with a systemctl restart opennebula