Compatibility Guide

This guide is aimed at OpenNebula 6.10.x users and administrators who want to upgrade to the latest version. The following sections summarize the new features and usage changes that should be taken into account, or are prone to cause confusion. You can check the upgrade process in the corresponding section. If upgrading from previous versions, please make sure you read all the intermediate versions’ Compatibility Guides for possible pitfalls.

Visit the Features list and the What’s New guide for a comprehensive list of what’s new in OpenNebula 6.10.

Check Datastore Capacity During Image Create

We fixed and synchronized usage of the no_check_capacity flag across all APIs (XML-RPC, CLI, Ruby, Java, Python). Now it works as described in the XML-RPC API documentation. If you are using this flag in any of the API bindings provided for OpenNebula please make sure you update your code.

VM Drivers

We changed default for CLEANUP_MEMORY_ON_STOP to no as it could potentially lead to heavy workload on hosts when multiple VMs were stopped or migrated in parallel, e.g. when running onehost flush.

Ruby gems opennebula and opennebula-cli

OpenNebula and opennebula-cli gems both require Nokogiri gem as a running dependency. As nokogiri from 1.16 requires Ruby >= 3.0 we locked Nokogiri to 1.16 to avoid installation failure on systems such as AlmaLinux 8, Debian 10, Ubuntu 20.04. In next 7.0 we will revisit this issue.

Search Virtual Machines

VM search uses has new pattern-based syntax. The following table includes some examples to move from old search format to the new one, see Search Virtual Machines for more info:

Search Description

Old syntax

New syntax

VM name



VM with disk target vda



IP matching



IP starts with 10.10


Labels on Sunstone

Only persistent user labels that were created in old Sunstone will be showed in new Sunstone. We are working to offer you a better experience in new Sunstone with the system and user labels in future versions of OpenNebula.

Remember that in new Sunstone you need to create the user label in the Settings section before apply a label to a resource. See Sunstone labels guide to get more information.