Storage Driver

The Storage subsystem is highly modular. These drivers are separated into two logical sets:

  • DS: Datastore drivers. They serve the purpose of managing images: register, delete, and create empty datablocks.

  • TM: Transfer Manager drivers. They manage images associated with instantiated VMs.

Datastore Drivers Structure

Located under /var/lib/one/remotes/datastore/<ds_mad>

  • cp: copies/dumps the image to the datastore

    • ARGUMENTS: image_id

    • STDIN: datastore_image_dump

    • RETURNS: image_source image_format

    • datastore_image_dump is an XML dump of the driver action encoded in Base 64. See a decoded example.

    • image_source is the image source which will be later sent to the transfer manager

  • mkfs: creates a new empty image in the datastore

    • ARGUMENTS: image_id

    • STDIN: datastore_image_dump

    • RETURNS: image_source

    • datastore_image_dump is an XML dump of the driver action encoded in Base 64. See a decoded example.

    • image_source is the image source which will be later sent to the transfer manager.

  • rm: removes an image from the datastore

    • ARGUMENTS: image_id

    • STDIN: datastore_image_dump

    • RETURNS: -

    • datastore_image_dump is an XML dump of the driver action encoded in Base 64. See a decoded example.

  • stat: returns the size of an image in Mb

    • ARGUMENTS: image_id

    • STDIN: datastore_image_dump

    • RETURNS: size

    • datastore_image_dump is an XML dump of the driver action encoded in Base 64. See a decoded example.

    • size the size of the image in Mb.

  • clone: clones an image.

    • ARGUMENTS: image_id

    • STDIN: datastore_image_dump

    • RETURNS: source

    • datastore_image_dump is an XML dump of the driver action encoded in Base 64. See a decoded example.

    • source the new source for the image.

  • monitor: monitors a datastore

    • ARGUMENTS: image_id

    • STDIN: datastore_image_dump

    • RETURNS: monitor data

    • datastore_image_dump is an XML dump of the driver action encoded in Base 64. See a decoded example.

    • monitor data The monitoring information of the datastore, namely “USED_MB=…\nTOTAL_MB=…\nFREE_MB=…” which are respectively the used size of the datastore in MB, the total capacity of the datastore in MB and the available space in the datastore in MB.

  • snap_delete: Deletes a snapshot of a persistent image.

    • ARGUMENTS: image_id

    • STDIN: datastore_image_dump

    • RETURNS: -

    • datastore_image_dump is an XML dump of the driver action encoded in Base 64. See a decoded example. This dump, in addition to the elements in the example, contains a ROOT element: TARGET_SNAPSHOT, with the ID of the snapshot.

  • snap_flatten: Flattens a snapshot. The operation results in an image without snapshots, with the contents of the selected snapshot.

    • ARGUMENTS: image_id

    • STDIN: datastore_image_dump

    • RETURNS: -

    • datastore_image_dump is an XML dump of the driver action encoded in Base 64. See a decoded example. This dump, in addition to the elements in the example, contains a ROOT element: TARGET_SNAPSHOT, with the ID of the snapshot.

  • snap_revert: Overwrites the contents of the image by the selected snapshot (discarding any unsaved changes).

    • ARGUMENTS: image_id

    • STDIN: datastore_image_dump

    • RETURNS: -

    • datastore_image_dump is an XML dump of the driver action encoded in Base 64. See a decoded example. This dump, in addition to the elements in the example, contains a ROOT element: TARGET_SNAPSHOT, with the ID of the snapshot.

  • increment_flatten: Flattens one or several snapshots. The operation results in a shortened chain of snapshots, committing from the beginning to only preserve the amount specified by KEEP_LAST.

    • ARGUMENTS: image_id

    • STDIN: datastore_image_dump

    • RETURNS: size chain

    • datastore_image_dump is an XML dump of the driver action encoded in Base 64. See a decoded example. This dump, in addition to the elements in the example, contains a ROOT element: TARGET_SNAPSHOT, with the ID of the snapshot.

    • size the size in MB.

    • chain chain spec in format <base_id>:<base_hash>[,<inc_id>:<inc_hash>]*.

  • export: Generates an XML file required to export an image from a datastore. This script represents only the first part of the export process, it only generates metadata (an xml). The information returned by this script is then fed to which completes the export process.

    • ARGUMENTS: image_id

    • STDIN: datastore_image_dump

    • RETURNS: export_xml

    • datastore_image_dump is an XML dump of the driver action encoded in Base 64. See a decoded example. This dump, in addition to the elements in the example, contains a ROOT element: TARGET_SNAPSHOT, with the ID of the snapshot.

    • export_xml: The XML response should follow this structure. The variables that appear within are the following:

      • <src>: The SOURCE of the image (path to the image in the datastore)

      • <md5>: The MD5 of the image

      • <format>: The format of the image, e.g.: qcow2, raw, vmdk, unknown

      • <dispose>: Can be either YES or NO. Dispose will remove the image from the reported path after the image has been successfully exported. This is regularly not necessary if the script can access the path to the image directly in the datastore (src).


image_source has to be dynamically generated by the cp and mkfs script. It will be passed later on to the transfer manager, so it should provide all the information the transfer manager needs to locate the image.

Backup Datastore Operations

The backup datastore drivers are responsible to store the generate backup folder into the backup system; and for restoring disk images from existing backups. Two specific operations needs to be implemented for this datastore type:

  • backup: Uploads the contents of the remote_system_ds/<vm_id>/backup folder to the backup storage

    • ARGUMENTS: host:remote_system_ds disks deploy_id vm_id ds_id

    • remote_system_ds_dir is the path for the VM directory in the system datastore in the host

    • host is the target host where the VM is running

    • disks List (‘:’ separated) of disk_ids of disks that needs backup (e.g. “0:1:”)

    • deploy_id ID of the VM in the hypervisor

    • backupjob_id if defined ‘-’ otherwise

    • vm_id is the id of the VM

    • ds_id is the target datastore (the system datastore).

    • STDIN: datastore_backup_dump See an example.

    • RETURNS: backup_id size_mb format

    • backup_id driver reference for the backup

    • size_mb size that the backup takes

    • format value of the backup image’s FORMAT attribute (values: raw, rbd)

  • restore: Restore the OpenNebula objects (VM Template and Images). Note that the actual download of the images will be made by the Image Datastore using the reference uri. The specific mechanism for download images of a given protocol are coded in the script. The pseudo-URL takes the form: <backup_proto>://<datastore_id>/<backup_job_id>/<driver_snapshot_id_chain>/<disk filename> (example: restic://100/23/0:25f4b298,1:6968545c//var/lib/one/datastores/0/0/backup/disk.0, the backup job id can be empty):

    • ARGUMENTS: datastore_action_dump image_id

    • RETURNS: Template_ID Image_ID1 Image_ID2 ...

  • ls: Lists the disk backups included in a given backup together with a downloader URL. The action receives the increment ID as a parameter and the information of the backup image, datastore and VM as XML through standard input.

    • ARGUMENTS: -i <increment_id> to select a specific increment to restore use -1 for last increment or full backups.

    • STDIN: An XML document with the VM, backup Image and Datastore object information, in the form:

  • RETURNS: A JSON document that includes for each disk a downloader URL. This URL is then used by the restore scripts to get the VM disk backups:

  "0": "rsync://102//0:0e6658/var/lib/one/datastores/102/21/0e6658/disk.0.0"

The following actions needs also to be implemented (see above):

  • monitor: Returns the storage space of the backup system.

  • rm: To remove existing backups from the repository.

  • stat: Should return the size a disk image will take once restored from the backup.

TM Drivers Structure

This is a list of the TM drivers and their actions. Note that they don’t return anything. If the exit code is not 0, the driver failed.

Located under /var/lib/one/remotes/tm/<tm_mad>. There are two types of action scripts: the first group applies to general image datastores and includes (clone, ln, mv and mvds); the second one is only used in conjunction with the system datastore.

Action scripts for generic image datastores:

  • clone: clones the image from the datastore (non-persistent images)

    • ARGUMENTS: fe:SOURCE host:remote_system_ds/disk.i vm_id ds_id

    • fe is the front-end hostname

    • SOURCE is the path of the disk image in the form DS_BASE_PATH/disk

    • host is the target host to deploy the VM

    • remote_system_ds is the path for the system datastore in the host

    • vm_id is the id of the VM

    • ds_id is the source datastore (the images datastore)

  • ln: Links the image from the datastore (persistent images)

    • ARGUMENTS: fe:SOURCE host:remote_system_ds/disk.i vm_id ds_id

    • fe is the front-end hostname

    • SOURCE is the path of the disk image in the form DS_BASE_PATH/disk

    • host is the target host to deploy the VM

    • remote_system_ds is the path for the system datastore in the host

    • vm_id is the id of the VM

    • ds_id is the source datastore (the images datastore)

  • mvds: moves an image back to its datastore (persistent images)

    • ARGUMENTS: host:remote_system_ds/disk.i fe:SOURCE vm_id ds_id

    • fe is the front-end hostname

    • SOURCE is the path of the disk image in the form DS_BASE_PATH/disk

    • host is the target host to deploy the VM

    • remote_system_ds is the path for the system datastore in the host

    • vm_id is the id of the VM

    • ds_id is the target datastore (the original datastore for the image)

  • cpds: copies an image back to its datastore (executed for the saveas operation)

    • ARGUMENTS: host:remote_system_ds/disk.i fe:SOURCE snap_id vm_id ds_id

    • fe is the front-end hostname

    • SOURCE is the path of the disk image in the form DS_BASE_PATH/disk

    • host is the target host to deploy the VM

    • remote_system_ds is the path for the system datastore in the host

    • snap_id the ID of the snapshot to save. If the ID is -1 it saves the current state and not a snapshot.

    • vm_id is the id of the VM

    • ds_id is the target datastore (the original datastore for the image)

  • mv: moves images/directories across system_ds in different hosts. When used for the system datastore the script will receive the directory ARGUMENT. This script will be also called for the image TM for each disk to perform setup tasks on the target node.

    • ARGUMENTS: hostA:system_ds/disk.i|hostB:system_ds/disk.i vm_id ds_id OR hostA:system_ds/|hostB:system_ds/ vm_id ds_id

    • hostA is the host the VM is in.

    • hostB is the target host to deploy the VM

    • system_ds is the path for the system datastore in the host

    • vm_id is the id of the VM

    • ds_id is the target datastore (the system datastore)


You only need to implement one mv script, but consider the arguments received when the TM is used for the system datastore, a regular image datastore or both.

  • premigrate: It is executed before a livemigration operation is issued to the hypervisor. Note that only the premigrate script from the system datastore will be used. Any customization must be done for the premigrate script of the system datastore, although you will probably add operations for other backends than that used by the system datastore.

    • Base64 encoded VM XML is sent via stdin.

    • ARGUMENTS: source_host dst_host remote_system_dir vmid dsid

    • src_host is the host the VM is in.

    • dst_host is the target host to migrate the VM to

    • remote_system_ds_dir is the path for the VM directory in the system datastore in the host

    • vmid is the id of the VM

    • dsid is the target datastore

  • failmigrate: It is executed after a failure in the livemigration operation. Note that save the postmigrate script from the system datastore will be used. This action should revert any operation made by the premigrate script, for example removing any file transferred to the destination as it will not be used. The default operation does not perform any action and should be adjust accordingly to the custom premigrate operation.

    • Base64 encoded VM XML is sent via stdin.

    • ARGUMENTS: source_host dst_host remote_system_dir vmid dsid

    • see premigrate description.

  • postmigrate: It is executed after a livemigration operation. Note that only the postmigrate script from the system datastore will be used. Any customization must be done for the postmigrate script of the system datastore, although you will probably add operations for other backends than that used by the system datastore. Base64 encoded VM XML is sent via stdin.

    • Base64 encoded VM XML is sent via stdin.

    • ARGUMENTS: source_host dst_host remote_system_dir vmid dsid

    • see premigrate description.

  • snap_create: Creates a disk snapshot of the selected disk

    • ARGUMENTS: host:remote_system_ds/disk.i snapshot_id vm_id ds_id

    • remote_system_ds_dir is the path for the VM directory in the system datastore in the host

    • host is the target host where the VM is running

    • snapshot_id the id of the snapshot to be created/reverted to/deleted

    • vm_id is the id of the VM

    • ds_id is the target datastore (the system datastore)

  • snap_create_live: Creates a disk snapshot of the selected disk while the VM is running in the hypervisor. This is a hypervisor operation.

    • ARGUMENTS: host:remote_system_ds/disk.i snapshot_id vm_id ds_id

    • remote_system_ds_dir is the path for the VM directory in the system datastore in the host

    • host is the target host where the VM is running

    • snapshot_id the id of the snapshot to be created/reverted to/deleted

    • vm_id is the id of the VM

    • ds_id is the target datastore (the system datastore)

  • snap_delete: Deletes a disk snapshot

    • ARGUMENTS: host:remote_system_ds/disk.i snapshot_id vm_id ds_id

    • see snap_create description.

  • snap_revert: Reverts to the selected snapshot (and discards any changes to the current disk)

    • ARGUMENTS: host:remote_system_ds/disk.i snapshot_id vm_id ds_id

    • see snap_create description.

Action scripts needed when the TM is used for the system datastore:

  • context: creates an ISO that contains all the files passed as an argument.

    • ARGUMENTS: file1 file2 ... fileN host:remote_system_ds/disk.i vm_id ds_id

    • host is the target host to deploy the VM

    • remote_system_ds is the path for the system datastore in the host

    • vm_id is the id of the VM

    • ds_id is the target datastore (the system datastore)

  • delete: removes the either system datastore’s directory of the VM or a disk itself.

    • ARGUMENTS: host:remote_system_ds/disk.i|host:remote_system_ds/ vm_id ds_id

    • host is the target host to deploy the VM

    • remote_system_ds is the path for the system datastore in the host

    • vm_id is the id of the VM

    • ds_id is the source datastore (the images datastore) for normal disks or target datastore (the system datastore) for volatile disks

  • mkimage: creates an image on-the-fly bypassing the datastore/image workflow

    • ARGUMENTS: size format host:remote_system_ds/disk.i vm_id ds_id

    • size size in MB of the image

    • format format for the image

    • host is the target host to deploy the VM

    • remote_system_ds is the path for the system datastore in the host

    • vm_id is the id of the VM

    • ds_id is the target datastore (the system datastore)

  • mkswap: creates a swap image

    • ARGUMENTS: size host:remote_system_ds/disk.i vm_id ds_id

    • size size in MB of the image

    • host is the target host to deploy the VM

    • remote_system_ds is the path for the system datastore in the host

    • vm_id is the id of the VM

    • ds_id is the target datastore (the system datastore)

  • monitor: monitors a shared system datastore. Sends monitor VMs data to Monitor Daemon. Non-shared system datastores are monitored through monitor_ds script.

    • ARGUMENTS: image_id

    • STDIN: datastore_image_dump

    • RETURNS: monitor data

    • datastore_image_dump is an XML dump of the driver action encoded in Base 64. See a decoded example.

    • monitor data The monitoring information of the datastore, namely “USED_MB=…\nTOTAL_MB=…\nFREE_MB=…” which are respectively the used size of the datastore in MB, the total capacity of the datastore in MB and the available space in the datastore in MB.

    • monitor VMs data For each VM the size of each disk and any snapshot on those disks. This data are sent by UDP to Monitor Daemon. The MONITOR parameter is encoded in base64 format. Decoded example:

VM = [ ID = ${vm_id}, MONITOR = "\
  • monitor_ds: monitors a ssh-like system datastore. Distributed system datastores should exit 0 on the previous monitor script. Arguments and return values are the same as the monitor script.

  • pre_backup and pre_backup_live: These actions needs to generate disk backup images, as well as the VM XML representation in the folder remote_system_ds/backup. Each disk is created in the form disk.<disk_id>.<increment_id>. The VM representation is stored in a file named vm.xml. The live version needs to pause/snapshot the VM to create consistent backup images.

    • ARGUMENTS: host:remote_system_ds disks deploy_id vm_id ds_id

    • remote_system_ds_dir is the path for the VM directory in the system datastore in the host

    • host is the target host where the VM is running

    • disks List (‘:’ separated) of disk_ids of disks that needs backup (e.g. “0:1:”)

    • deploy_id ID of the VM in the hypervisor

    • backupjob_id is the id of the Backup job (‘-’ if undefined)

    • vm_id is the id of the VM

    • ds_id is the target datastore (the system datastore)

  • post_backup and post_backup_live: These actions performs cleanup operations of any tmp folder as well as the backup folder. The live version need also to commit or pivot VMs disks to the original ones.

    • ARGUMENTS: host:remote_system_ds disks deploy_id vm_id ds_id

    • remote_system_ds_dir is the path for the VM directory in the system datastore in the host

    • host is the target host where the VM is running

    • disks List (‘:’ separated) of disk_ids of disks that needs backup (e.g. “0:1:”)

    • deploy_id ID of the VM in the hypervisor

    • backupjob_id is the id of the Backup job (‘-’ if undefined)

    • vm_id is the id of the VM

    • ds_id is the target datastore (the system datastore)

  • restore: Restores VM disks from a backup. This script will access the ls operation of the associated datastore to get a list of VM disks and their downloader pseudo-URLs. The downloader script is then used to get the disk images from the backup and replace the VM disks. The VM is in poweroff state.

    • ARGUMENTS: host:remote_system_ds vm_id img_id inc_id disk_id

    • remote_system_ds_dir is the path for the VM directory in the system datastore in the host

    • host is the target host where the VM is running

    • vm_id is the id of the VM

    • img_id is the id of the image backup to restore

    • inc_id ID of the increment to use, -1 will select the last increment or for full backups

    • disk_id is the id of the disk to restore, -1 will restore all available disks


If the TM is only for regular images you only need to implement the first group.

Tuning OpenNebula Core and Driver Integration

The behavior of OpenNebula can be adapted depending on how the storage perform the underlying operations. For example quotas are computed on the original image datastore depending on the CLONE attribute. In particular, you may want to set two configuration attributes for your drivers: DS_MAD_CONF and TM_MAD_CONF. See the OpenNebula configuration reference for details.

The Monitoring Process

Image Datastores

The information is obtained periodically using the Datastore driver monitor script

Shared System Datastores

These datastores are monitored from a single point once (either the front-end or one of the storage bridges in BRIDGE_LIST). This will prevent overloading the storage by all the nodes querying it at the same time.

The driver plugin <tm_mad>/monitor will report the information for two things:

  • Total storage metrics for the datastore (USED_MB FREE_MB TOTAL_MB)

  • Disk usage metrics (all disks: volatile, persistent and non-persistent)

Non-shared System Datastores (SSH-like)

Non-shared SSH datastores are labeled by including a .monitor file in the datastore directory in any of the clone or ln operations. Only those datastores are monitored remotely by the probe. The datastore is monitored with <tm_mad>/monitor_ds, but tm_mad is obtained by the probes reading from the .monitor file.

The plugins <tm_mad>/monitor_ds + kvm-probes.d/ will report the information for two things:

  • Total storage metrics for the datastore (USED_MB FREE_MB TOTAL_MB)

  • Disk usage metrics (all disks volatile, persistent and non-persistent)


.monitor will be only present in SSH datastores to be monitored in the nodes. System Datastores that need to be monitored in the nodes will need to provide a monitor_ds script and not the monitor one. This is to prevent errors, and not invoke the shared mechanism for local datastores.

The monitor_ds script.

The probe from the IM, if the .monitor file is present (e.g. /var/lib/one/datastores/100/.monitor), will execute its contents in the form /var/tmp/one/remotes/tm/$(cat .monitor)/monitor_ds /var/lib/one/datastores/100/. Note that the argument is the datastore path and not the VM or VM disk.

The script is responsible for getting the information from all disks of all VMs in the datastore in that node.

Mixed Transfer modes

Certain types of TM can be used in so called mixed mode and allow different types of image and system datastore drivers to work together.

The following combinations are supported by default:

The support in oned is generic, in a mixed mode every TM action (such as clone or delete) is suffixed with the driver name of the system DS in use. For example, an action like clone.ssh is actually invoked in CEPH + SSH mode. The driver first tries to find the complete action script, including the system DS suffix (e.g. ceph/clone.ssh) and only if that does not exist fallbacks to the default (ceph/clone).

In this way other combinations can be easily added.

An Example VM

Consider a VM with two disks:

NAME   = vm01
CPU    = 0.1

DISK   = [ IMAGE_ID = 0 ] # non-persistent disk
DISK   = [ IMAGE_ID = 1 ] # persistent disk

This a list of TM actions that will be called upon the events listed:


<tm_mad>/clone <frontend>:<non_pers_image_source> <host01>:<ds_path>/<vm_id>/disk.0
<tm_mad>/ln <frontend>:<pers_image_source> <host01>:<ds_path>/<vm_id>/disk.1


<tm_mad>/mv <host01>:<ds_path>/<vm_id>/disk.0 <frontend>:<ds_path>/<vm_id>/disk.0
<tm_mad>/mv <host01>:<ds_path>/<vm_id>/disk.1 <frontend>:<ds_path>/<vm_id>/disk.1
<tm_mad_sysds>/mv <host01>:<ds_path>/<vm_id> <frontend>:<ds_path>/<vm_id>


<tm_mad>/mv <frontend>:<ds_path>/<vm_id>/disk.0 <host01>:<ds_path>/<vm_id>/disk.0
<tm_mad>/mv <frontend>:<ds_path>/<vm_id>/disk.1 <host01>:<ds_path>/<vm_id>/disk.1
<tm_mad_sysds>/mv <frontend>:<ds_path>/<vm_id> <host01>:<ds_path>/<vm_id>

MIGRATE host01 → host02

<tm_mad>/mv <host01>:<ds_path>/<vm_id>/disk.0 <host02>:<ds_path>/<vm_id>/disk.0
<tm_mad>/mv <host01>:<ds_path>/<vm_id>/disk.1 <host02>:<ds_path>/<vm_id>/disk.1
<tm_mad_sysds>/mv <host01>:<ds_path>/<vm_id> <host02>:<ds_path>/<vm_id>


<tm_mad>/delete <host02>:<ds_path>/<vm_id>/disk.0
<tm_mad>/mvds <host02>:<ds_path>/<vm_id>/disk.1 <pers_image_source>
<tm_mad_sysds>/delete <host02>:<ds_path>/<vm_id>
  • non_pers_image_source: Source of the non persistent image.

  • pers_image_source : Source of the persistent image.

  • frontend: hostname of the frontend

  • host01: hostname of host01

  • host02: hostname of host02

  • tm_mad: TM driver of the datastore where the image is registered

  • tm_mad_sysds: TM driver of the system datastore

Helper Scripts

There is a helper shell script with some functions defined to do some common tasks. It is located in /var/lib/one/remotes/

Here is the description of those functions.

  • log: Takes one parameter that is a message that will be logged into the VM log file.

log "Creating directory $DST_DIR"
  • error_message: sends an exit message to oned surrounding it by separators, used to send the error message when a command fails.

error_message "File '$FILE' not found"
  • arg_host: gets the hostname part from a parameter

SRC_HOST=`arg_host $SRC`
  • arg_path: gets the path part from a parameter

SRC_PATH=`arg_path $SRC`
  • exec_and_log: executes a command and logs its execution. If the command fails the error message is sent to oned and the script ends

exec_and_log "chmod g+w $DST_PATH"
  • ssh_exec_and_log: This function executes $2 at $1 host and report error $3

ssh_exec_and_log "$HOST" "chmod g+w $DST_PATH" "Error message"
  • timeout_exec_and_log: like exec_and_log but takes as first parameter the max number of seconds the command can run

timeout_exec_and_log 15 "cp $SRC_PATH $DST_PATH"

There are additional minor helper functions, please read the to see them.

Decoded Example



Datastore Backup STDIN Example

        <SSH_PUBLIC_KEY>ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCYz+lkZoNyspRhrtXDKFN3cIEwN3w08mz0YGKpVDIiV0+/vgG8dAUQ70Irs3m83W9BHN+vNjKPgKcF+X+sSfxniOtavahxGCRjAhhs1IVm196C5ODbSgXVUWULdtmMHelXbLBJ8X340h/UO+eQ6eRLaRfslXUsgRqremVcvCCPz4LIuRiliGWiELAmqYcY+1zJLeg3QV2Pgn5vschM9e/A4AseKO+HnbGB/I5tnoeZT/Gc3FGfUZLNFVB2XsVGAEEzkqO8VI2msB7MCAZBHffIK6WfLIYgGP6Ha2JT1NWJU7Ncj9Xuql0ElF01VwWMDWzqc0DOiVSsTL89ugJKU6+h one</SSH_PUBLIC_KEY>

Export XML

   <DISPOSE_CMD><<![CDATA[<dispose command>]]>/DISPOSE_CMD>