Public Marketplaces

OpenNebula will configure by default the following Marketplaces in your installation:

Marketplace Name


OpenNebula Public

The official public OpenNebula Systems Marketplace

Linux Containers

The public LXC image repository


The OpenNebula front-end needs access to the Internet to use the public Marketplaces.

Only the OpenNebula Public marketplace is enabled by default. Other marketplaces are initialized as disabled. To enable them use onemarket enable <market_id>.

You can list the marketplaces configured in OpenNebula with onemarket list. The output for the default installation of OpenNebula will look similar to:

$ onemarket list
ID NAME                                                            SIZE AVAIL   APPS MAD     ZONE STAT
1  Linux Containers                                                  0M -          0 linuxco    0 off
0  OpenNebula Public                                                 0M -         48 one        0 on

Disable Marketplace

Marketplace can be disabled with onemarket disable. By disabling a Marketplace all Appliances will be removed from OpenNebula, and it will be no longer monitored. Note that this process doesn’t affect already exported Images. After enabling the Marketplace with onemarket enable, it will be monitored again and all Aplliances from this Marketplace will show up again. Finally, Marketplaces can be created disabled by adding STATE=DISABLED to the template file.