Upgrading High Availability Clusters

Step 1. Check Virtual Machine Status

Before proceeding, make sure you don’t have any VMs in a transient state (prolog, migrate, epilog, save). Wait until these VMs get to a final state (running, suspended, stopped, done). Check the Managing Virtual Machines guide for more information on the VM life-cycle.

Step 2. Set All Hosts to Disable Mode

Set all Hosts to disable mode to stop all monitoring processes.

onehost disable <host_id>

If you are upgrading from version 6.2+. Use onezone disable <zone_id> to make sure that no operation changing OpenNebula state are executed.

Step 3. Stop the HA Cluster

You need to stop all the nodes in the cluster to upgrade them at the same time. Start with the followers and leave the leader until the end.

Stop OpenNebula and any other related services you may have running: OneFlow, OneGate & FireEdge. It’s preferable to use the system tools, like systemctl or service as root in order to stop the services.


If you are running FireEdge service behind Apache/Nginx, please stop also the Apache/Nginx service.


Make sure that every OpenNebula process is stopped. The output of systemctl list-units | grep opennebula should be empty.

Step 4. Upgrade the Leader

Follow Steps 4 to 9 described in the Upgrading Single Front-end Deployments guide in the HA leader.

Afterwards, create a database backup to replicate the upgraded state to the followers:

onedb backup
MySQL dump stored in /var/lib/one/mysql_localhost_opennebula_2019-9-27_11:52:47.sql
Use 'onedb restore' or restore the DB using the mysql command:
mysql -u user -h server -P port db_name < backup_file

Step 5. Upgrade OpenNebula in the Followers

Follow Steps 4 to 9 described in the Upgrading Single Front-end Deployments guide in the HA followers.

Step 6. Replicate Database and Configuration

Copy the database backup of the leader to each follower and restore it:

scp /var/lib/one/mysql_localhost_opennebula_2019-9-27_11:52:47.sql <follower_ip>:/tmp
onedb restore -f /tmp/mysql_localhost_opennebula_2019-9-27_11:52:47.sql
MySQL DB opennebula at localhost restored.

Synchronize the configuration files to the followers:


Before copying, gather the SERVER_ID from your /etc/one/oned.conf files on each follower, then replace those values after.

rsync -r /etc/one root@<follower_ip>:/etc
rsync -r /var/lib/one/remotes/etc root@<follower_ip>:/var/lib/one/remotes

On each of the followers, ensure these folders are owned by the oneadmin user:

chown -R oneadmin:oneadmin /etc/one
chown -R oneadmin:oneadmin /var/lib/one/remotes/etc

Step 7. Start OpenNebula in the Leader and Followers

Start OpenNebula and any other related services: OneFlow, OneGate & FireEdge. It’s preferable to use the system tools, like systemctl or service as root in order to stop the services.


If you are running FireEdge service behind Apache/Nginx, please start also the Apache/Nginx service.

Step 8. Check Cluster Health

At this point the onezone show command should display all the followers active and in sync with the leader.

Step 9. Update the Hypervisors

Finally, upgrade the hypervisors and enable them as described in Steps 11-13 in the Upgrading Single Front-end Deployments guide.