LXD to LXC Migration

This guide defines the actions required to migrate your LXD infrastructure to LXC.

Host Migration

The first step needed to start deploying containers using LXC instead of LXD is to migrate (or add) at least one LXC Host.


This guide covers how to migrate an existing LXD Host to LXC. If you want to add a new Node, follow the LXC Node Installation guide instead!

Step 1. Disable Host

In order to migrate an existing LXD node to LXC, first of all you need to make sure that no container is running there. Once the host is empty, switch it to offline state to make sure OpenNebula does not try to perform any action on it:

onehost offline <host_id>

Step 2. Uninstall LXD

Once the Host is empty and has been switched to offline state, proceed with uninstalling the opennebula-node-lxd package from that node (NOTE: CentOS/RHEL platforms were not supported by OpenNebula LXD Node before and therefore are not covered here):


apt-get --purge remove opennebula-node-lxd

Step 3. Install LXC Node Package

Once the LXD package has been uninstalled, configure the Host as an OpenNebula LXC Node by following the LXC Node Installation guide.

Step 4. Update Host Drivers

Now that your Host is already configured for running LXC containers, the next step is to reconfigure the Node in OpenNebula to use LXC drivers from now on. In order to do so, you need to update the specific Host and change the value of VM_MAD and IM_MAD from lxd to lxc.

onehost update <host_id>


onehost update command will open your preconfigured text editor at CLI. You just need to modify the mentioned values, save, and exit. You can update the corresponding values by using Sunstone web interface too.

Step 5. Enable Host

Once the Node is ready, you can enable your Host again and start deploying LXC containers on it:

onehost enable <host_id>

Next Steps

Now you have your Node ready to deploy containers by using the new LXC drivers, you might find it useful to read the the LXC driver documentation.