What Is OpenNebula Enterprise Edition

The Enterprise Edition of OpenNebula is a tested, hardened, and production-ready version that incorporates:

  • Additional bug fixes and software patches with minor enhancements.

  • Migration Packages to easily upgrade your production cloud to the latest version.

The Enterprise Edition of OpenNebula is updated and released every six months and is maintained through the Customer Portal. OpenNebula Systems releases regular maintenance versions with minor features and bug fixes for the Enterprise Edition, as well as LTS versions to reduce the risk, expense, and disruption of software deployment. Our GitHub provides all the details of the OpenNebula Release Cycle Policy.

While we have made all of our products open source under the Apache 2 license, the packages of the Enterprise Edition and the Enterprise Tools are distributed under commercial license terms to customers with an active OpenNebula Subscription. This article from our Knowledge Base explains the main differences between the Community and the Enterprise versions of OpenNebula.

If you are an OpenNebula Systems customer with an active support subscription, you have immediate access to the Enterprise Edition. Please check your private repository at OpenNebula.pro

The OpenNebula Subscription

The OpenNebula Subscription model has been in place for more than five years, influenced by extensive customer feedback. Our enterprise subscriptions give you everything you need to run your production systems reliably and securely. In addition to the tested and hardened code, you gain access to expert SLA-based support, resources, security updates, and tools you can’t get anywhere else, ultimately saving you effort and expense in the long run.

Why customers want to purchase an OpenNebula Subscription:

  • Enterprise Edition – Tested, hardened, and production-ready version of OpenNebula for enterprise use.

  • Regular Updates – Maintenance versions of the Enterprise Edition with bug fixes and software patches with minor enhancements.

  • LTS Releases – Long-Term Support and stable versions that are maintained and commercially supported for a long time.

  • Enterprise Tools – Additional tools to simplify upgrades and the maintenance of production clouds.

  • Exclusive Contents – Access to exclusive knowledge base and critical notifications.

  • SLA-based Support – Secure and private support under a commercial SLA.

  • Professional Services – Access to Professional Services offered by OpenNebula Systems to streamline your cloud.