Building from Source Code

This page will show you how to compile and install OpenNebula from the sources.


Do not forget to check the Building Dependencies for a list of specific software requirements to build OpenNebula.


If you need to build customized OpenNebula packages you can find the source packages for publicly released versions available in the download repositories for easy rebuilds and customizations. If you need to access the packaging tools, please expose your case to <>.

Compiling the Software

Follow these simple steps to install the OpenNebula software:

  • Download and untar the OpenNebula tarball.

  • Change to the created folder and run scons to compile OpenNebula

$ scons [OPTION=VALUE]


scons can parallelize the build with the -j NUM_THREADS parameter. For instance, to compile the with 4 parallel processes execute

$ scons -j 4 [OPTION=VALUE]

The argument expression [OPTION=VALUE] is used to set non-default values for :






no if you don’t want to build sqlite support


yes if you want to build mysql support


yes if you want to build PostgreSQL support




yes if you want to rebuild flex/bison files


yes if you have an xmlrpc-c version >= 1.31


yes if you want to build sunstone minified files


yes if you want to build fireedge minified files


yes if you want to build systemd support


yes if you want to build the docker-machine driver


yes if you want to generate ruby gems


no to skip building vnc support for LXD drivers


no Download guest contextualization packages

If the following error appears, then you need to remove the option ‘new_xmlrpc=yes’ or install xmlrpc-c version >= 1.31:

error: 'class xmlrpc_c::serverAbyss::constrOpt' has no member named 'maxConn'
  • OpenNebula can be installed in two modes: system-wide, or in self-contained directory. In either case, you do not need to run OpenNebula as root. These options can be specified when running the install script:

./ <install_options>


To install OpenNebula with the system-wide mode you should have super user privileges.

$ sudo ./ <install_options>

where <install_options> can be one or more of:




user that will run OpenNebula, defaults to user executing


group of the user that will run OpenNebula, defaults to user executing


keep configuration files of existing OpenNebula installation, useful when upgrading. This flag should not be set when installing OpenNebula for the first time


target installation directory. If defined, it will specified the path for the self-contained install. If not defined, the installation will be performed system wide


only install client utilities: OpenNebula cli and ec2 client files


install OpenNebula Sunstone


do not install OpenNebula Sunstone non-minified files


install OpenNebula FireEdge


do not install OpenNebula FireEdge non-minified files


install OpenNebula Gate


install only OpenNebula Gate Proxy


install OpenNebula Flow


remove Opennebula, only useful if -d was not specified, otherwise rm -rf $ONE_LOCATION would do the job


creates symlinks instead of copying files, useful for development


prints installer help


install Docker Machine plugin


If you choose the system-wide installation, OpenNebula will be installed in the following folders:
  • /etc/one

  • /usr/lib/one

  • /usr/share/doc/one

  • /usr/share/one

  • /var/lib/one

  • /var/lock/one

  • /var/log/one

  • /var/run/one

By using ./ -r, dinamically generated files will not be removed.

The packages do a system-wide installation. To create a similar environment, create a oneadmin user and group, and execute:

oneadmin@frontend:~/ $> wget <opennebula tar gz>
oneadmin@frontend:~/ $> tar xzf <opennebula tar gz>
oneadmin@frontend:~/ $> cd opennebula-x.y.z
oneadmin@frontend:~/opennebula-x.y.z/ $> scons -j2 mysql=yes syslog=yes fireedge=yes
[ lots of compiling information ]
scons: done building targets.
oneadmin@frontend:~/opennebula-x.y.z $> sudo ./ -u oneadmin -g oneadmin


An error as below might occur during building process:
scons -j2 mysql=yes syslog=yes
/usr/bin/ld: src/common/libnebula_common.a(HttpRequest.o): undefined reference to symbol 'curl_easy_cleanup'
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib64/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
scons: *** [src/scheduler/src/sched/mm_sched] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.

In that case one needs to patch src/scheduler/src/sched/SConstruct file:

diff one/src/scheduler/src/sched/SConstruct one-orig/src/scheduler/src/sched/SConstruct
<     'xml2'
>     'xml2',
>     'curl'

Ruby Dependencies

Please follow the installation guide, for a detailed description on how to install the Ruby dependencies.

Building Python Bindings from source

In order to build the OpenNebula python components it is required to install pip package manager and following pip packages:

Build Dependencies:

  • generateds: to generate the python OCA

  • setuptools: to generate python package

  • wheel: to generate the python package

Run Dependencies:

  • aenum: python OCA support

  • dict2xml: python OCA support

  • feature: python OCA support

  • lxml: python OCA support

  • six: python OCA support

  • tblib: python OCA support

  • xml2dict: python OCA support

To build run following:

root@frontend:~/ $> cd src/oca/python
root@frontend:~/ $> make
root@frontend:~/ $> make dist
root@frontend:~/ $> make install

Building Sunstone from Source

Please check the Sunstone Development guide for detailed information

Building FireEdge from Source

root@frontend:~/ $> cd ~/one/src/fireedge
root@frontend:~/ $> npm install
root@frontend:~/ $> cd ~/one
root@frontend:~/ $> scons fireedge=yes
root@frontend:~/ $> ./ -F -u oneadmin -g oneadmin

Building Docker Machine Plugin from Source


Scons includes an option to build the Docker Machine Plugin using the docker_machine option:

scons docker_machine=yes

Once you have built you can install it running the with the -e option.